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Example: Urophycis mystacea

The Collection of Teleosts Fish Otoliths from the Southeastern-Southern Brazil (COSS-Brasil) is headquartered at the Laboratório de Ictiofauna e Crescimento - LABIC (Fish Fauna and Growth Laboratory) of the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo - (IOUSP), under the curatorship and accountability of the Dr. Prof. Carmen L. D. B. Rossi-Wongtschowski. Such otolith collection is stored in a regularly updated database, presently containing a total of 51923 otoliths corresponding to 201 different species and 73 families from the Southeast-South Atlantic area. COSS-Brasil website offers an open online catalogue of the otolith fishes. Click here to access the complete listing of species.

How To Cite:
Rossi-Wongtschowski, C. L. D. B.; Chalom, A.; Siliprandi, C. C.; Brenha-Nunes, M. R.; Conversani, V. R. M.; Santificetur, C. & Giaretta, M.B. 2016. COSS-Brasil: Otoliths Collection of marine fish from the Southeast-South, Brazil. Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo. (version 2016).

The idea of this collection has to be credited to Prof. Dr. Gelso Vazzoler which many years ago envisaged its importance. To Prof. Dr. Gelso Vazzoler our tribute and gratitude.

Financial support: Research Foundation of the State of São Paulo-FAPESP.
Institutional Support: Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo-IOUSP.
We thank to Prof. Paulo Inácio Prado and to Laboratório de Ecologia Teórica for the server where site statistics are generated.

This site is available in Portuguese and English.