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This site's content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Brazil.

Sampling Area

The area (Fig. 1) is under the influence of three water masses: Tropical Water (TW) with temperature (T) >20ºC and salinity (S) > 36.4; Central Southern Atlantic Water (CSAW) with T < 20ºC and S < 36; and Coastal Water (CW), which is a mixture of continental and saltwater with low salinity (T > 20°C and S < 36). The inner area of the shelf is primarily consisted by CW; however, in the outer portion of the shelf, the upper portion is consisted by TW, whereas the lower portion is mainly composed by CSAW. In the summer, CSAW enters in the intermediate and internal shelves with fluctuating intensities causing resurgences (Castro; Miranda 1998).

In relation to its fauna, the marine Southeast-South Brazilian region is a section of the Argentinian Zoogeographic Marine Province, which is delimited in the North by Cabo Frio (22ºS) and by the Valdez Peninsula in Argentina (42°S) in the South. It represents a region of the faunal transition containing both tropical and temperate species of fishes in addition to the endemic ones (Figueiredo, 1981).

Source of the available material

The fish and their otoliths were collected during various fishing surveys conducted on the Brazilian continental shelf and slopes between 22ºS and 34ºS: