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The ARZ Project


“The ARZ Project” is an ongoing project that aims to develop a spatial computable general equilibrium (CGE) model for Lebanon. The different steps involved in the process of model building (specification, calibration, implementation) will provide an opprotunity to better understand the functioning of the Lebanese regional economies within an integrated system. As part of the project, a fully specified interregional input-output database will be developed under conditions of limited information. Such database is needed for future calibration of the CGE model. Three articles are expected as deliverables:

1. Progress on the Development of an Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Model for Lebanon: The Input-Output System
2. Spatial Perspectives of Improving Competition in Lebanon
3. The Regional Economic Consequences of Bombing Lebanon

The project is an initiative involving researchers from the Regional and Urban Economics Lab at the University of São Paulo (NEREUS).


Eduardo Amaral Haddad





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