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Volkswirtschaftliche Effekte von Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz und des Anteils Erneuerbarer Energien in den österreichischen Klima- und Energiemodellregionen: Modellierung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Effekte auf regionaler Ebene (Macroeconomic effects of exploiting energy efficiency and renewable potentials in Austrian climate and energy model regions: Modelling of macroeconomic effects at the regional scale)


The work comprises participation in the following tasks of the project: (i) extending the spatial CGE-model for Austria, Sindelar 10, to include a labor market and a household income block; (ii) testing the robustness and plausibility of simulations carried out with Sindelar 10; (iii) adapting Sindelar 10 for the simulation task at hand in the project; (iv) running simulations for estimating the regional economic effects of exploiting energy efficiency and renewable potentials; and (v) writing up a research report documenting the model and the simulations.


Eduardo Amaral Haddad




Österreichische Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (Austrian Institute for Economic Research)

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