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Ariaster Baumgratz Chimeli

Ohio University, Department of Economics

Projeto: Etanol Brasileiro, Preços de Alimentos e Desmatamento na Amazônia

Bolsa FAPESP – Eduardo Amaral Haddad (Processo 2010/17952-6)





Ariaster Baumgratz Chimeli is Associate Professor of Department of Economics at Ohio University.

Linhas de Pesquisa

Environmental economics
Growth, development and the environment

Publicações Selecionadas

Chimeli, A.B. and Boyd, R.. Prohibition and the supply of Brazilian mahogany, Land Economics, vol. 86, Issue 1, 2010.

Sharabaroff, A., Boyd, R. and Chimeli, A. B.. The environmental and efficiency effects of restructuring on the electric power sector in the United States: An empirical analysis, Energy Policy, vol. 37, Issue 11, 2009.

Chimeli, A.B. and Braden, J.B.. A Capital Scarcity Theory of the Environmental Kuznets Curve, Environment and Development Economics, vol. 14, Issue 5, 2009.

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