PhD Professor Arlei Benedito Macedo
Geologist, senior collaborator professor of the Geoscience Institute, USP and coordinator of the SIG-RB Sistema de Informações Geográficas do Ribeira de Iguape e Litoral Sul (Geographic Information System of the Ribeira do Iguape and South Coast) UGRHI-11.
Since 2010, the collaboration of the researchers tutored by Professor Arlei was established due to common interests in studies in the city of Eldorado, especially because of the current project “Levantamento e monitoramento de áreas de risco na UGRHI-11 e apoio à defesa civil (Surveying and Monitoring Risk Areas, UGRHI-11), financed by the Fundo Estadual de Recursos Hídricos.
Bráullio N. de Souza and Saulo Vieira
Undergraduate students FAUUSP.
Presented the project of e modular equipment which was developed at the discipline AUP448- Arquitetura e Indústria (Architecture and Industry), “Projeto de quiosque de alimentação para a Cidade Universitária” at the I Seminário de pesquisas sobre projetos para situações de enchentes- I Seminário de pesquisas sobre projetos para situações de enchentes (I Seminar of researches regarding projects for situations involving flooding) – NOAH, August 2011.
Christian Ullmann
Specialist in Sustainable Design. 
Industrial Designer by Buenos Aires’ School of Architecture, Design and Urban Design. Lives in Brazil since 1996 and was awarded in Italy, Brazil and Argentina for his furniture and design objects. Professor at IED – SP, researcher of Núcleo de Design & Sustentabilidade (Design and Sustainability Center), UFPR. Columnist at the Magazine abcDesign, Rede Latinoamericana de Design and Portal Design Brasil. Since 2001, is partner and director of the office iT Projetos working as a specialized consultant in product development with social environmental sustainability. 
Attended the III Workshop: Participatory Activities for experimentation with vegetable fibers, in Eldorado, February, 2014.
Ms. Fabrício Bau Dalmas
Biologist , PhD Student in Geoscience, IGs-USP e consultant at SIG-RB.
Co-advised the initial work of the student Julia Ramos Polli and presented the work  “Utilização de técnicas de geoprocessamento e cartografia geotécnica para confecção de cartas de suscetibilidade a processos erosivos e movimentos de massa na UGRHI-11” at the I Seminário de pesquisas sobre projetos para situações de enchentes (I Seminar of researches regarding projects for situations involving flooding) – NOAH, August 2011.
Ms. Gabriela Carneiro
Architect, PhD Student FAUUSP.
Organized a brief activity of collaborative workshop and presented the work  “Design para a colaboração”  (“Design for collaboration”) at the II Seminário de pesquisas sobre projetos para situações de enchentes (II Seminar of researches regarding projects for situations involving flooding)- NOAH, November, 2011.
Arquiteta, doutoranda FAUUSP.
José Carlos Mierzwa
Chemical Engineer, with a Masters in Nuclear Technology and PhD in Civil Engineering. Associate Professor to Hidraulic and Environmental Department of Escola Politécnica of USP. Participated as a consultant of APIS Project regarding hydraulic sistems over the years of 2014 and 2015. Worked specially at choices of sistems os water reuse, aiming better auto sufficiency. Contributed to the ultrafiltration system specification.
Profa. Dra. Norma Felicidade Valêncio
 Professor coordinator of NEPED – Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Sociais em Desastres, Departamento de Sociologia (Social Studies and Research Center in Disasters, Sociology Department), UFSCar.
Contributed during the phase of constitution of the initial research project, outlining social aspects of the intervention in Eldorado  and also collaborating with the capacitation workshop  “Metodologias Participativas com Enfoque em Desastres Relacionados à Água” – “Participative Methodologies emphasizing water disasters”, in December, 18th, 2010,  in the city of Eldorado for the group NEPED.
Ms. Sarah Lindbergh
Environmental Geographer and Master in Catastrophes Management and Natural Risks in the University Paul Valéry - 
Montpellier III (France).
Participated as a guest at the I Seminar of researches regarding projects for situations involving flooding, NOAH, August, 2011, 
presenting the lecture "A vulnerabilidade estrutural na luta contra o risco de inundação" (Structural Vulnerability against the Risk 
of Flooding). 
Wagner Isaguirre do Amaral
Architect and Urban Designer, FAUUSP, Master Student in Geoscience IGcUSP and consultant at the SIG_RB.
Assisted the group at the I Workshop NOAH – Participative experimentation with the unsheltered by rain and flooding, December 2011 and presented the work “Áreas de Risco em Eldorado: Prevenção + Projeto”  (Risk Areas in Eldorado: Prevention and Project) at  III Seminário de pesquisas sobre projetos para situações de enchentes (III Seminar in researches regarding projects for situations involving flooding), NOAH, March 2012. Organized   “Estágio de Noções de Vida em Campanha em Situações de Emergência”, group NOAH and Brazilian Army.
Welington Matias dos Santos Silva
Technologist in logistics and transportation, Master Student in Geoscience at IGcUSP and consultant at the SIG_RB.
Presented the work “Planejamento da logística humanitária do município de Eldorado”  at the II Seminar in researches regarding projects for situations involving flooding - NOAH, March 2012.