The experimentation with banana tree fibers, mainly, aim to collect various information together with social groups vulnerable to impacts of events associated with rain and flooding. We also consider the inclusion of data provided by the city council employees, especially from the Department of Agriculture and public or local NGOs employees. For the data collection, a workshop was organized on February 17th and 18th, 2014 in the Quilombo de Ivaporunduva in the city of Eldorado. In Eldorado, the workshop was assisted by the NGO CEPCE Infrastructure Coordinator (Centro de Educação, Profissionalização, Cidadania e Empreendedorismo – Education, Professionalization, Citizenship and Entrepreneurship Center), Alain Mantchev and the current director of the Social Department of the city Council, Patrícia de M.A. de Almeida to spread the event to the quilombola community (Brazilian Maroon Community).  This functions was after substituted by the Department of Agriculture employee, Erica Helena da Silva Pedroso, who is also a resident of the Quilombo de Ivaporunduva.

In relation to the population directly linked to the proposal, we focused on the community affect by frequent disasters related to rain and flooding, unsheltering and dislodging people in the Ribeira Valley, having the city of Eldorado as our initial case study. However, there is a potential to be explored, which we aim to work with: the use of banana tree fibers. Thus, we selected people who already work with banana tree fibers, weaving the fibers (artisans in general) or making paper (in a recent plant installed in the industrial district of Eldorado, which was supposed to venue the workshop).

The sub project proposed by Pesquisa de Cultura e Extensão (Culture and Extension Research), related to the studies about vegetable fibers, will end in August 2014. It aims the production of an instructive manual that enables the people affected by flooding in the Ribeira Valley to produce building components with vegetable fibers.  

The specific objectives of this event were: study and test productive processes with vegetable fibers aiming possible application in building elements for disaster relief architecture.

BARBOSA, L. L.; DELANEZ, L. G.; CABRAL, E. H. M.; VACCARI, M. S. 3º Workshop NOAH‐ Atividades participativas para experimentação com fibras vegetais. Relatório. São Paulo: NOAH/ FAU‐USP, 2014.