To establish a Translacional Research Center for human and animal Health at the University of São Paulo main campus.
To form highly qualified scientists and technicians to act in the área of Cell and Molecular Therapy, based on basic Science centered on the molecular mechanisms of cell proliferation and diferenciation control, aiming at transforming knowledge generated at the bench into produts and processes which may be used both clinically by the hospitalar sector, and by the productive sector for production and distribuição of locally produced biopharmaceuticals for management, treatment and cure of diseases.
Construction of the NUCEL building was supported by public federal funds (FINEP, BNDES) and fully equipped with federal (CNPq, FINEP, BNDES) and State of São Paulo funds (FAPESP), aiming at building an adequate infra-structure for basic, pre-clinical, clinical and translational projects, both by researchers and by entrepreneurs from biotech- and pharma-based companies.
Emphasis on multidisciplinarity, construction of bridges between basic Science researchers and clinical professionals, sharing ideas and potocols, aiming at reaching sinergism and optimization of human and material resources.
Future Perspectives
To attract bright young investigators with criative potential for innovation and leadership to nucleate and establish new research teams to tackle basic and translational research;
To protect NUCEL´s intelectual property by depositing and licencing patents, preserving adequate interests/royalties for NUCEL;
To reach auto-sufficiency in maitaining NUCEL´s infra-estrutura through royalties generated from Working Agreements ans Contracts with the private enterprise;
To Project the University of São Paulo both nacionaly and internacionally.