Ana Paula Bortoleto

bar_AnaBortoletocurriculum vitæ

Research Fellow at the Graduate Program of Environmental Sciences
[PROCAM/USP] in the Sao Paulo University. Civil Engineer by the State
University of Campinas with a MEng and a PhD degree on environmental
engineering granted by the University of Tokyo. Former research fellow
at the University of Sheffield and member of the International Solid Waste
Association [ISWA]. Scientific reviewer for the Journal of Environmental
Management and Resources, Conservation & Recycling Journal.
She was awarded a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship
by the European Commission FP7 and the Green Talents Award
by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
She has been publishing scientific articles in various international
conferences and peer-review journals. She has substantial practical
and academic experience on solid waste management for climate change
mitigation with key focus on waste prevention, life cycle assessment
and behaviour analysis. Experienced liaison with government
and academic institutions and non-governmental organizations.

Possui graduação em engenharia civil pela Universidade Estadual
de Campinas, mestrado e doutorado no curso de engenharia ambiental
pela Universidade de Tóquio. Foi pesquisadora associada na Universidade
de Sheffield financiada pela Comunidade Européia. Atualmente,
é pesquisadora associada no Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciências
Ambientais da Universidade de São Paulo. Tem experiência na área
de engenharia civil, com ênfase em engenharia ambiental, atuando
principalmente nos seguintes temas: prevenção de resíduos sólidos,
análise de comportamento e fatores sociais, análise de ciclo de vida,
sustentabilidade e impactos ambientais, econômicos e sociais
do gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos. Membro da Associação
Internacional de Resíduos Sólidos [ISWA] e revisora dos periódicos
Journal of Environmental Management e Resources, Conservation
& Recycling Journal.



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