The event counted with the participation of members of Eldorado´s city council, including the Civil Defense coordinator, educators and other department´s employees such as Social Assistance. Besides FAU USP students and NOAH´s coordinator, researchers of IGc and Poli USP researchers were also present. Representatives of the Canadian factory of shelters Weather Heaven were also present at the workshop. Some residents which were unsheltered in previous floodings contributed narrating their perspective about possible project solutions. From this event, we were able to understand possible partnerships which may give continuation to the project and actualize its implementation. 

Click here for the event program.

Presentation of the workshop´s activities.

Lecture presented by Professor PhD Lara Leite Barbosa.

Link for Group NOAH´s report:

BARBOSA, L. L.; TAKUSHI, C. Y.; CARLI, L. L. S.; Kawasaki, B. C. 2º workshop NOAH- Dinâmica colaborativa para elaboração do projeto em Eldorado. Relatório. São Paulo: NOAH/ FAU-USP, agosto de 2012.