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Second Conference of the Regional Science Association of the Americas, 2011

Join us in Miami, Florida, USA for the 58th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and the 2nd conference of the Regional Science Association of the Americas (RSAmericas) sponsored by the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC).  The joint conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Miami (400 South East Second Avenue) from Wednesday November 9th to Saturday November 12th, 2011.

You can learn more about the conference, submit an abstract, and register at the NARSC Website at: http://www.narsc.org/. Visit the Conference section of the Website and click the User Area link to register or sign in. Individual papers and sessions must be submitted online in the abstract submission section of the Website between now and August 1, 2011. The conference registration section will allow secure electronic financial transactions.

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