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Transitions Towards a Regenerative Economy

Seminário NEREUS 02-2012

Aleix Altimiras-Martin
University of Cambridge/NEREUS

11/04/2012 – quarta-feira
Sala Delfim Neto (USP/FEA 2)

Environmental collapse is dooming unless quick and effective action is taken at international level. Not only climate change could reshape the geography of the planet but also vital natural resources are getting scarcer while population has yet to increase another 2 Bn people by 2050.

In that context, understanding how we produce goods, food and energy from a material and economic perspective is crucial to answer the question: Can we satisfy the increasing world’s population needs while preserving the environment?

This research analyses the material flows of the economy from a physical and economic approach and suggests a “Regenerative Economy”. Similar to the concept of a fully recycling economy, it integrates the material flows of the economy together with those of the environment (i.e. the biogeochemical cycles). The presentation enunciates the regenerative concepts and its analytical framework to devise possible transitions towards a Regenerative Economy.


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