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TD NEREUS 05-2024

There is Trouble with the Trees: How to Avoid Trade-Induced Deforestation?

Alan Leal and Maurício Bugarin


TD NEREUS 04-2024

The Political Economy behind Trade and Land Use: Legal Amazon in the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement

Alan Leal and Eduardo A. Haddad


TD NEREUS 03-2024

Shades of Blue: The Geography of the Ocean Economy in Brazil

Eduardo A. Haddad and Inácio F. Araújo


TD NEREUS 02-2024

Spatial Difference-in-Differences and Event Study: Identification and Application to the Case of Priority List of Municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon

André Luis Squarize Chagas and Luiza Andrade


TD NEREUS 01-2024

Uma Análise Diferencial-Estrutural da Economia Chilena (2013-2022)

Fernando Picchetti



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