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TD NEREUS 03-2024

Shades of Blue: The Geography of the Ocean Economy in Brazil

Eduardo A. Haddad and Inácio F. Araújo


We quantify blue economy contributions and analyze coast-hinterland economic interdependence through interregional linkages The study advances by adopting a multi-level approach, analyzing municipality and state-level data of ocean-related activities. Using an interstate input-output model, we estimate the blue economy’s value chains, enhancing our understanding of its systemic impacts. We address gaps in national, regional, and local blue economy assessments, providing insights for tailored policies in Brazil’s diverse coastal regions as Brazil aims for UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 by 2030. Our analysis underscores the diverse blue economy structure and regional disparities, advocating for the coordination of sector and region-specific policies. Embracing an integrated regional approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of coastal economies to address shared challenges and capitalize on regional strengths effectively.


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